The size of the file doesn't matter to Adept Clipping Path, you can upload up to 2GB of data using the Web Uploader below. If you send your files through this web uploader, we will be notified instantly and will start downloading them immediately. We will also send you an acknowledgement of the files receipt.
Important: Please don't forget to write our email address [ [email protected] ] in the recipient's/friend's email box. Please do not close the browser or refresh the page until you see the transfer confirmation.
Ask Quote via WeTransfer
You can send us images for quote via WeTransfer Channel
Aside from using this Web-Uploader, if you need to send us high resolution files that are more than 2GB in size, Then please use Create New Order form in our ACP Web-Portal. Also can request an FTP Account from us. You can use your own hosting as well, as we love to cater to your preferences. When you have an FTP account with ACP, you can upload your files even faster with no limit to as far as disk space. Please visit our FTP Account Request! page for more information.